It has always been important to be trained in gospel work. Priscilla and Aquilla mentored Apollos and corrected his doctrine (Acts 18:26). Barnabas and Paul practiced a form of ministry ‘apprenticeship’, taking a succession of ‘ministry trainees’ along with them on their missionary church planting journeys. In particular we've talked before about Paul's mentoring of Timothy (Phil. 2:22 and 1 & 2 Tim).
Doing a ministry traineeship year or two would certainly be something to strongly consider if you haven’t already done one. Be aware that across the UK there is a variation between different ministry trainee programmes, with the proportions of practical service, mentoring, formal training and opportunities for Word ministry differing considerably.
In addition, there are a wide range of theological and ministry training options now available – some online, some residential, some full-time, some part-time. In fact we live in an age of amazing opportunities to access excellent training.
The following gospel ministry training schemes are often combined with a ministry traineeship but they are also open to a wide range of people, perhaps taking a day off each week from their job to engage:
- Cornhill Training Course
- Cornhill Belfast
- Cornhill Scotland
- Equip (Reach South)
- Foundry (Speak Life)
- Training for East
Anglia Ministry
- Midlands Ministry Training
- North West Gospel Partnership MTC
- Peninsula
Gospel Partnership Training Course
- South Central Gospel
Partnership Day Course
- South West Gospel Partnership MTC
- Sussex
Ministry Training Course
- Four
counties (Bedford)
- Flourish Midlands/London/North (Women’s Ministry training)
Another option is part-time, flexible distance learning:
- Crosslands
- Union School of Theology (GDip, MTh and Priscilla Programme)
- Biblical Counselling UK
- Evangelical
Movement of Wales Theological Training Course
- Third Millennium
- Biblical Training
- Equipped to preach the Word (Proclamation Trust)
It may also be good to consider part or full-time residential theological education. This could be after a traineeship or even as a first degree. Recommended in the UK:
In all this it will be very important to seek the guidance of your church leaders who will be able to advise the best training route and may well be able to suggest other options.
Which brings us onto the next thing... Consider others
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